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AQA GCSE English Language: Student Book 2: Assessment preparation for Paper 1 and Paper 2

£22.99 £19.54

Author: Jane Branson
Author(s): Jane Branson, Peter Ellison
ISBN-13: 9780198340751
ISBN-10: 0198340753
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication Date: 12-Mar-15
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
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1-7 8+
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Student Book 2 provides extensive guidance and activities, in the context of the Paper 1 and Paper 2 exam questions, on how to improve question-specific reading and writing skills. With sample student responses, at different levels, students can improve their own responses and gain an enhanced understanding of the skills required to succeed in the exams. Featuring the types of texts and tasks that students will face in the exam papers, a range of activities with exam tips and key terms, all students can demonstrate their skill development in the context of exam-style questions. Spelling, punctuation and grammar activities and guidance are provided in context to help improve students’ technical accuracy. In addition to the regular peer and self-assessment activities, teachers can monitor progress through the substantive end-of-chapter assessments and the sample exam papers.

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Weight555 g